About FFS

Finaara Financial Services Pvt Ltd provide banking and money services globally through its network and innovative technologies without middle man to reduce the transaction expenditure to the end users.

We FFS offer service on behalf of Bank and MSB’s using our AVRM (Automated Verifiable Remittance and money exchange teller machine) or DBU (Digital Banking unit) network and Bank on wheels (VAMBX). 

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Money Remittance

We offer a ​Remittance through 5G and beyond private network enabled network globally 

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Money Exchange

We offer a ​Money exchnage through 5G and beyond private network enabled network globally 

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Find Private and public AVRM or DBU's (Digital banking Units) to have any banking transaction.

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Bank On Wheels

Track any bank on wheels running in the country in a secure manner to have any banking transaction.

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